Michel Lajoie

by Michel Lajoie
To find nice Jungle Cock Capes today is quite hard and very expensive. It is not necessary to pay a small fortune to be able to obtain nice quality eyes that is quite acceptable for your presentation flies. A #2 grade neck will do just fine. It only takes a few minutes of your time to fix those splits in the eyes of the cape. The photos on the left shows the difference before and after.
This is the procedure and the equipment that I use:
  • Moucheux's "Magic Muck"®
  • Bodkin needle
    I select two eyes of the same size and clean them of the soft fibers or the fibers that I will not use for tying. Bottom photo show the procedure.
    I place on the reverse side of the eye of the Jungle Cock a small drop of "Magic Muck®" with a bodkin needle and pass it between my thumb and forefinger to hold it tight by the tip as shown in photo, for 10-15 seconds. When dry I apply another small drop of "Magic Muck®, and let it dry again for 30 seconds, still holding the tip. There you have a very acceptable eye that did not cost you an arm.

    Good tying!

