Several famous authors have written on the Miramichi rivers; Joseph D. Bates Jr. talk about the Miramichi in almost all its books, Wayne Curtis, a local author, has published several volumes on this subject and the associated editor of this magazine, Paul Marriner, has even wrote a publication entitled « Miramichi River ». Nevertheless, little has been said on a very popular public salmon pool of the Miramichi called Quarryville! First of all, Quarryville is a small municipality situated in New Brunswick close to the town named Renous and about fifteen kilometers of Blackville.
The Miramichi rivers systems divides itself essentially in two : Northwest and the Main Southwest. These subdivide themselves in several other rivers and tributaries. For example, in the Northwest's systems, you'll find the Sevogle, the Northwest and the Little Southwest. The Main Southwest's system includes the rivers of Renous, Main Southwest, Dungarvon, Bartholomew and Cains. The public pool of Quarryville is situated at the mount of the Renous River and the Main Southwest. According to a biologist of the Department of Fishing and Oceans Canada, this pool can hold, during the summer months, more of 1000 salmon. It is also where the tides of the Miramichi Bay finish themselves.
According to the author Paul Marriner, "Quarryville is the pool most fished of the Miramichi". Paul Leblanc of Dieppe, who fishes this salmon pool for more than 25 years, told me that it is possible to see, at the same time, more than sixty anglers in the river.
The pool can be fished from the two sides of river. Several anglers prefer to fish the section at the mount Renous River or in the section of the Main Southwest who is called « RIPPLED ». The « RIPPLED » is composed of several rocks and quick current where it is possible to fit with steel a salmon that climbs the river. It is probably the most difficult place to fish due to the strong current, rocky bottom of the river and difficulty to keep the salmon at the end of the line and to bring him close to the shore.
One says that the grisle from the Quarryville pool are true acrobats. It not rare to see them jump more than a metre high and to do several salto to the end of the line. Most of these Quarryville's grisle are not afraid to run in the backing. During a fishing trip to Quarryville, if you do not hook salmon, you'll see several jumping and rolling real close to you! Considering that the tides end to Quarryville, the fishing is by far superior between the tides. It is then that the salmon seems to be more active, and according to the time of the season, they run towards the Renous or towards the Main Southwest. The tides bring also some fresh salmon and very often takers. At high tides, the current is almost absent and the salmon descend at the lower end of the pool. It is then very difficult to hook them. Quarryville is a very popular pool for the local fishermen.
The pool is easy to access and you can park your vehicle on the beach very close to the river. From my experience, close to 75% of the regulars fishermen of this pool are locals and are over 50 years old! For example, Keith Taylor a retired from the city of Miramichi has fished 135 days during the fishing season 2000, of which most at Quarryville.
On both sides of the river, there are camping with trailers parked for the fishing season. The majority of those regulars are from the Moncton area. Some are camping there for more than 30 years! In New Brunswick, the fishing season begin April 15th to end October 15th. The Quarryville Pool can be fishes the whole season. The April 15th means the beginning of black salmon season . These are salmon that remained in the river, under the ice all Winter. You need a boat to practice this king of fishing. Big flies are in order, streamers like Renous special, Mickey Finn and Miramichi special are popular. We usually uses sinking lines. During Spring fishing, it not rare to hook and release more than a dozen of black salmon a day. During the month of May, it is time for sea trout fishing. Starting in June, it is the arrival of the fresh and bright salmon. From this moment, the Summer salmon flies are used. By far, the « Green Machine » is the most popular flies in Quarryville. Other flies like the Undertaker, the Black bear green butt, the Butterfly and the Shady lady are also my favorite and very popular in Quarryville. As you can see, wet flies are effective. In August, when the level of water is low and hot, some fishermen fish dry using Bomber. Starting in September, Fall flies like the Copper Killer, General Practitionner and the Ally's shrimp are the best.
Before ending this article, I would like to mention some words about the legendary George Rutledge, owner of the George's Fly shop for more than 25 years and situated on the small road that takes you to the Quarryville Pool. Georges is saying that his fly shop is not a large store but his material and fishing equipment are quality and the atmosphere and hospitality are his trademark. Several famous personages have frequented his fly shop one of which is the baseball player Ted Williams as well as the hockey player Denis Potvin.
Last summer, during an interview with George, George told me a local ritual to close the fishing season in Quarryville. All to along the fishing season, George accumulates, on his fishing hat, all the flies used during the season. Yearly, at the end of the fishing season, the locals met together for a last time around f a bomb fire beside the salmon pool. At this moment, George puts his hat full of flies for auction. The biggest bet of this auction had to cross the river by boat and buy a bottle of Gin with the amount of monet bet on the hat. At his return, all the locals had a drink to the season that has just finished .
Considering that the Quarryville Pool is very popular and especially productive since several years, I can relate several other stories, some true and others, fishing stories! I invite you therefore to Quarryville and come to taste the Miramichi hospitality, to tease the atlantic salmon in this productive public pool and especially come to listen the legends of local fishermen of the Miramichi.