The Oriole is usually considered the most important of the Gruber
originals and is used extensively not only on its native Miramichi
River, but on many rivers internationally. (Also called "Gruber's Oriole")

Head;    Black

Tail;    A few fibers from a red body feather of Golden Pheasant

Body;    Black nylon wool, cigar shaped

Ribbing; Fine oval silve tinsel, with two turns taken under the tail
         as a tag

Throat;  A brown hackle, two or three tuens of which are wound on as a
         collar and pulled down before the wing is applied. The fibers
         extends two-thirds of the way to the point of the hook.

Wing;    Underwing: Several fibers of the brown-red body feather of a
         Golden Pheasant
         Overwing: In four sections, two on each side, of Grey Mallard
         dyed green drake color. The wing is applied low, to hug the