Michel Lajoie
by Michel Lajoie


One evening in may, 1998, on the banks of the fable Ausable river in New York, flyfishing friends and I were sitting around a campfire. One was discussing the values of furled leaders versus others types. How these leaders were much superiror to braided or knotted mono's. He was telling us that he made some and that he had a web page on them. He made his jig out of materials he had found around the house. The material he used was UNI threads in 6/0 and 8/0 in a variety of colours and lenghts.

On my return home I visited this web page and found that the jig was easy enough to make and contructed one. I made a few leaders and went in the field to try them.
Wowwww! what a pleasure to cast. The presentation were just so acurate. I've never seen or casted something like that before. No splash, no memory and most of all no drag.

In simple terms a furled leader is a small rope that is twisted in a tapered leaders without knots. This is no rocket science as Walton and friends used this method to form their fly lines and leaders way back then. Today with new materials this procedure is much easier to do and so much more superior. They are however restricted to some type of fishing. Pike fishing with these is out of the question.

These leaders are made with a variety of materials: UNI thread, mono and transparent sewing thread.

If you wish more details on these please visit Claude Freaner's web site


24 Avril, 2003