This is the original dressing from Mrs. Carmelle Bigouette, the expert fly
dresser from Matapedia, New Brunswick.

Head:    Black

Tag:     Oval silver tinsel or round silver wire

Tip:     Orange silk floss

Tail:    A Golden Pheasant crest feather, over which is an Idian Crow
         feather of about half the size

Butt:    Black Ostrich herl

Body:    Embossed silver tinsel which is palmered with a yellow hackle

Ribbing: Oval silver tinsel, wound over the hackle, if it is used

Wing:    A small buch of pale brown bucktail, extending to the end of
         the tail. The wing should be very pale. Sometimes it is
         accomplished by mixing light brown and white bucktail. The
         wings are tied low, close to the hook

Hackle:  Two bright orange hackle tied on at the same time as a
         collar, after the wing has been put on. About three turns of
         both hackles should be made to make the collar fairly full.
         The longest fibers extend to the point of the hook, and are
         all tied back slightly.